RiRi Reloaded


Monday, November 01, 2010


I have just read banksy book, with him explaining his art and the motives behind it, and how is art is freedom for him, how he expresses himself through art, and how he lives in his own free society, this had me thinking about how people in the world are living, they live programmed lives, by the governement and society, and they dont even know how they have been enslaved by the same government they have voted for, with supermartkets like tesco openeing a store in every available space there is, and the media fedig us fear. I want to live in a world were i am free to do as i please without people looking down on me, i want to live in a world were i am free to express myself in anyway possible, with no rules or restriction banksy's artwork has truelly opened my eyes to what is going around me and the fact that he is anonoymous is the best part,he has shown that he is not after the fame or status, and he has not come to think highly of himself, he has clearly tried to open societies eyes to their surrounding.

Open your eyes to your surroundings

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

एअलिसतिओन ऑफ़ थे ट्रुथ

I have come to realise that the truth ain't what everyone around you may say, the truth is what you make it to be and what you say concerning yourself....
Many people have come into that note that has caught them in a game where they are living by other peoples lies....
I am the truth for i speak the true word.. and that word is the word of God...
Impossibilities is my next possible mission..

I love the world i live in, for i framed the world i wanted to love in.. if you don't like what you see change it, by your words....

Monday, February 01, 2010


I had a very good morning today. till i was late for my lecture, and realised that i had forgotten my phone at home, and not only did i leave one phone at home, i left both of my phones at home!!!!!! I never realised how important my phones were to me till today, i left my house running towards my lecture theatre, and bashing through he doors of the lecture, and everyone looking up to see who the baffun that just walked in was, just to find out it was RIRI. one of those embarrassing moments were i looked like a typical student, with my Chuck Taylor's, and my University Hoody and my beautiful coat, that matched my Mr Taylor's.

Then if not to start the day of with a bang i got my results back and those were just a kick in the teeth, never thought i would do as i did today, i felt so discouraged NEVER, in my life have i ever gotten such low marks, its quite appalling really, but its all good, as i will have the last laugh!!!!

RiRi is about to unload, a lot on those Lecture's.....

Ri Ri RELOAD!!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Sandae

How i love the thought of being home on Sunday's church as always in the morning and later on spend time with the family, amke a nice sunday roast and eat with the family, except for me, it is quite the oppisite, i still go to church on Sundays but i spend most of my evenings designing my next clothing line, which is due to launch end of Feb.... This is why a PA is most defo needed, i would say that i am no diva, but i am sad to say that I AM A DIVA, get my pretzel and coffee while i run to my next appointment and try not to mess my beautifull chloe look-a-like shoes..... the life of a Brightoner.... what can you do....

Back and Reloaded

Hey all sorry i ahve bee gone for this long, i had to get my life in order, and i did, and i am loving it, it has been too long and i have too much to tell all of you... stay tuned for the unfolding files of RiRi.......


Fashion, Bald, Funky

lost in britain

My photo
Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
RiRi Reloaded